Tag Archives: money


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

Do you still use a rotary telephone (do you even know what that is?)?  Can you buy gas at 20 cents a gallon where you live?  Times have changed, companies have changed, and giving a two-week notice went out with nickel beers. Continue reading


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

Any civilization in the last 5,000 years can only be understood and measured by what we can read and discover about them.  If they did not keep track of their accomplishments and cultures, chances are, we would know very little about them and their achievements.

  •  If you do not know where you came from, do you really have a good idea of where you are headed?
  • How do you build upon the accomplishments of the past or avoid the mistakes of the past if you are unaware of them?

These seem to be good questions to ask people who do not have a good grasp of how this country started and developed throughout the last 200 years.  As was pointed out by one museum curator, those in the last generation (the Great generation of World War II) seemed to have more Continue reading


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

The latest attempts at putting Illinois back on the right road to fiscal solvency and promote a more enticing image to attract businesses should be accompanied by the song by the Talking Heads’ “We’re On a Road to Nowhere”

We’re on a road to nowhere….. After a 66% tax increase in state income tax, we are still billions of dollars behind in Continue reading

Michael Luckman on Overpowering Fear

Michael Luckman Overpowering FearMichael Luckman, a 40+ Year Veteran of Sales Teaches Us How to Overcome Fear in Selling, but More Importantly in Life.

Michael Luckman is a man that has faced the fear of public speaking, cold calling and fear of failure and has come out the other side grateful, successful and happy.  Michael teaches us how to overpower fear so that we can live the fullest lives we were meant to live.

I have the honor to the first person to interview Michael Luckman for his new book “Overpowering Fear: Defeating the #1 Challenge in Sales and Life“.

I was introduced to this wonderful author by Nance Rosen, Top Job Coach and author of “Speak Up and Succeed“, so let me say a big thank you to Nance because Michael is just what the universe ordered.

Fear is the Number One reason for failure that gains you nothing. Another words, it is fine to fail and even expected that you might fail, if you take a risk and learn a lesson.

If you fail, however, because fear stopped you from trying then it does not take a rocket scientist to tell you that unless you learn to overpower that fear, you will never succeed and thus you will never reach your God given potential.

I have suffered from a few phobias including massive stage fright, but I was a musician and played clubs like The Whiskey and House of Blues. I interview famous celebrities and world renowned scholars and believe me I used to get so fearful that I would get nauseous. I still have problems, but not anywhere close to what I did before.

Michael Luckman knows what he is talking about and he shares what fear and ego is and how you can learn to overpower these feelings that keep you from living the life you were meant to live. Where Mr. Luckman can not help you elliviate your fears, he gives what he calls workarounds.

These are techniques I have used and swear by. If you believe your fears are holding you back, then you need to listen to this interview and pick up this book. – JW

Michael Luckman

With forty plus years as a salesperson, marketing pioneer, entrepreneur and sales trainer, Michael Luckman is today, a successful and dynamic speaker, trainer and coach. In Overpowering Fear he opens up his life and the lessons learned to help his readers uncover their own fear blocks and overpower them, in order to enjoy lives filled with confidence, success and abundance.

Overpowering Fear is Michael’s real world journey through a career filled with amazing achievements – including the launch of the first electronic toy and inventions like the cartridge video game system, the electronic keyboard and the see-through advertising product seen on vehicle wraps.

book Michael Luckman Overcoming FearMichael also “gets real” about the personal defeats that came when fear,
uncertainty and doubt clouded even one of the brightest minds in business.
In working with and training thousands of salespeople, Michael came to the conclusion that those who reach the top in sales are those who have learned to overpower their fears and do whatever is necessary to gain the business. While those we would consider average salespeople succumb to their fears and will do only those things that fall within their comfort zones.

Unlike psychologists and other scientists who approach the topic of fear from an arm’s length or academic perspective, Michael peels back the cover on his own life. With astonishing honesty and impressive insight, he exposes painful, emotional events that began in childhood and continued to dog him as he rose in the business world.

Told with humor as well as deep personal truth, Michael’s life story and his “Luckman’s Laws” help readers take an equally brave and fruitful look at their own journeys. They will be delighted to find ten exercises at the end of the book that Michael created to help them find the causes and cures for their own fears.

Readers will also learn how to identify goals they want to see materialize in their lives, understand what dreams they have been afraid to realize and be able
to create a road map to a fantastic future.

This is a hugely important book because it alone examines the earliest origins of fear, a complex and defeating emotion, from a very personal and relatable perspective. Fear is present in every occupation and in every stage of life, so much so that it is a virtual epidemic affecting almost everyone at any time.

At his website, Michael-Luckman.com, this author provides a wealth of support as well as the opportunity to join him in seminars, workshops and coaching sessions.

For interviews, requests for speaking, media commentary and other story or show ideas, Michael may also be reached directly at (408) 404-6762 Ext. 2


Barbara Wilder Clearing Money Negativity

Barbara Wilder Money is LoveBarbara Wilder – Money is Love

Barbara Wilder talks to us about how the negativity around money can stand in the way of your success, and how you can clear the negativity of your mindset and your money.

I am a huge believer in mindset as what you think translates into what you do and thus whether or not you are successful or have the capacity to be.

I believe our reactive thoughts about money are centered around the negative so when you think about the success you want monetarily, you also bring up all your negative beliefs around money and thus are doomed from that point on to fail.

It works like this; you say you want to make 5 Million Dollars in the next 2 years. The success gurus say you have to vision it and write it down, as what you focus on expands. OK, problem is that whenever you think about money your lizard brain automajically starts spewing all it’s beliefs around money, like rich people are greedy and money is the root of all evil and I must vow to be a poor marter if I want to get into heaven etc. etc.

These thoughts will never allow you to focus positively on gaining the abundance you so surely strive for.

Barbara takes it one step further and believes that money itself actually holds the energy of everyone who has touched it and therefore the money itself holds so much negative energy that fixing your mindset is just not enough.

A fascinating interview. – JW

Barbara Wilder Money is LoveBarbara Wilder

Barbara is an internationally acclaimed author, speaker, teacher, and healer.

She is the Founder and Director of The Transformational Light Center. In her groundbreaking book, Money Is Love, she showed us how to reconnect money to the sacred feminine and transform it into an agent for both personal and global prosperity.

Her second book, Embracing Your Power Woman, is a radical program that gives women in the second half of life the skills to recognize, embrace, and embody their innate feminine power.

Barbara has been a guest on network television and on numerous radio talk shows. Her popular workshops inspire participants internationally. She is a dynamic keynote speaker, speaking locally, nationally and internationally, including Deepak Chopra’s Alliance for a New Humanity in Pureto Rico, and The Universal Peace Federation’s International Peace Conference in Seoul, Korea.

She has been a member of the faculty of Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, New York, and Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado. Originally an actor, production executive, and screenwriter, she recently wrote a play based on her book Embracing Your Power Woman called POWER WOMAN MAGIC which she wrote, produced, directed and performed in in its initial productions.

As a healer, Barbara works with individuals in person, by phone, and Skype, to help them strip away the veils to reveal the light within themselves. Barbara studied for eleven years under the tutelage of Russell Schofield, founder of The School of Actualism, a mystery school based the Hermetic Principles, the writings of Alice Bailey, Rudolf Steiner, and the ancient practice of Agni Yoga, also known as fire-breathing yoga. She graduated with the highest level of initiation in light-energy healing and transformational growth techniques. In addition to her many achievements, Barbara is an ordained minister and renowned spiritual teacher.

She is also the director and founder of The Power Woman Magic Project, a non-profit organization that exists to produce and promote the play, POWER WOMAN MAGIC and the workshops connected to it. This project was created to help women in the second half of life embrace and step into their power to help shift world focus from domination to co-creation.

Currently Barbara lives in Los Angeles where she maintains her intuitive counseling and light-energy healing practice at the Transformational Light Center, writes, gives workshops, and travels wherever she is called to speak and teach about how we can create a more light-filled and balanced world of peace, goodwill, and abundance for all.

Barbara Wilder Money is LoveBarbara’s Book “Money is Love”

War, Poverty, hunger and crime are caused by the fear that surrounds money and its scarcity.

Money is energy, and energy is limitless. Only our fear and our limited way of thinking make money seem scarce.

Using the tools and the exercises in Chapter Three, you can reconnect with the sacred origins of money, and direct the flow of money through your life and the world on a current of love, joy, goodwill and abundance.

Money is energy, and according to quantum physics the universe is made up of energy, which becomes matter only when information is focused on it. Wood is wood and not iron because of the information that forms the two different kinds of matter. Too many of us labor under the belief that money is “a necessary evil,” which is, more often than not, difficult to obtain.

By changing our feelings about money from fear, anger, greed and scarcity, to love, joy, abundance and goodwill, we can change the way money moves through our lives and the lives of others all over the world. “MONEY IS LOVE” teaches that as we begin to remove the negative thoughts and feelings that surround money and redefine money as love, we bring the power of love into all of our monetary transactions.

This in turn opens our hearts to allow money to flow abundantly into our lives, creating a place of peace and joy. From this place of harmony we can then send money back out into the world on a flow of love and gratitude. Money healed can begin to heal all that it touches.

And because money flows like blood through the planet, diseased it causes disease, but infused with love, money can become rejuvenating. This work stands out from other transformational money theories, because it deals with not only healing our personal relationship with money, but with healing the money itself, returning it to its sacred roots and then using this money infused with love as an agent for healing “Money is the blood of the planet. Heal the money and we can heal the world.” Page 82.

CONTACT Barbara Wilder:


Great News – Someone May Owe You Money!

Someone May Owe You Money!

How Do You Find Out? Read On…

My mother called me today to give me a couple of sites to look at. One was for Omega 3 rich oil from the green lipped mussel. I have taken Moxxor for a couple of years so I didn’t need that lead, but I will share it here – OmegaXL.

I make no claims with either of these supplements, but I am a big proponent of Omega 3 intake.

Anyway the other site she mentioned was http://www.Unclaimed.Org this site checks for monies owed you that you may not know about.

Seems my mom went on and found a couple of bucks and so did my brother. One of my mom’s friends found over $800 bucks owed to her. NICE….

I checked my name and not a cent to me…. My wife was owed .05 cents, but my mother in law hit the jackpot for a few hundred!! NICE….

It is a government site so there is no scam here. The site directs you to each different state site that checks their database for lost monies.

This is great stuff. Check it Out and if you hit it REAL BIG. Help a brother out and send a finders fee.

Master Your Debt with Jordan Goodman

Jordan GoodmanMaster Your Debt From Expert Money Man Jordan Goodman

Have paper and pencil ready when you listen in. He’s Awesome!

Master Your Debt - Jordan GoodmanWe managed to catch up with Jordan Goodman, author of 13 books on finance, a regular contributor on CBS, NBC, CNN, CNBC, and NPR among others, and the owner and host of MoneyAnswers.com.

Jordan was preparing for a spot on the TV show, The View with Barbara Walters, when we caught him for this interview. Check the show below.

Jordan just released a new book, on how to become debt free – “Master Your Debt” .

Jordan Goodman is “America’s Money Answers Man” and a nationally-recognized expert on personal finance. He is a regular guest on numerous radio and television call-in shows across the country, answering questions on personal finances. He appears frequently on NBC’s The Today Show, Fox News Network, Fox Business Network, CNN, CNBC and CBS evening news, and a host of other notable radio and television shows.

He is the author of 13 best-selling books on personal finance including Master Your Debt, and Fast Profits in Hard Times. And somewhere in between all of the above, Jordan manages to personally respond to as many email as he can that get sent to him through his website, MoneyAnswers.com.

JW Najarian and Bob Schecter got to talk with Jordan about the hard times we are in.

Jodan disagrees that these are the worst times and hits upon some of the opportunities that are available, not just in the future, but right now. There is no doubt, Jordan has done the research and come up with some great answers. That’s why he’s known as America’s Money Answer Man. Listen-In, and take notes as he shares some great stuff and terrific insights on:

  • Credit Card Debt
  • Mortgage Debt
  • Student Loan Debt
  • Bankruptcy
  • and Much More

See All Jordan’s Stuff | Most Highly Recommended Resources QUIZ: What’s Your Money Type | Everyone’s Money Book | Master Your Money Type About Jordan E. Goodman | Contact Jordan | Hire Jordan to Speak

Do You Need A Degree To Make Money?

Do You Need a Degree to Get a Job or Make Money?

How Bad Does Our Education System Suck?

Networking Fools Blogtalk Radio Show

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Networking FoolsNetworking Fools JW Najarian and partner Bob Schecter are your hosts for a discussion on why the heck you need a degree. Bob believes the degree is a bunch of crap and that experience is a much better indicator of your worth and skill set.

Do you need a degree to be successful? You hear about the studies that show that professionals with degrees make more over their lifetimes, but what about people that get a high profile degrees and failed. Or people like Bill Bartman, who became a multi-billionaire without a degree?

Were Fools, not experts, but join us anyway for a discussion and debate on our views. You are invited to comment and tell us your take.

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