Tag Archives: zero to zillionaire

Chellie Campbell How To Reduce Financial Stress

Chellie Campbell Successful Entrepreneur, Author, Financial Stress Reduction Coach, Speaker and Pro Poker Player

Talks to us about how she made it through troubling times to find happiness, herself and success. She now leads small, intimate classes to help others that are struggling, find their way out and on to their own success in Their business and life.

Chellie Campbell is one of those who you will find all over the web and social media, as she has conquered this all to sketchy medium.

Chellie has found the secrets to using social media and other forms of promotion to help others and to find clients that need her services.

As you listen to this interview you will find out how she learned some tough lessons that have allowed her to become successful as a financial stress reduction teacher and coach.

More than an interesting story, Chellie shares with us many great techniques and lessons she teaches to help her clients weather their storms or just increase their sales.

Chellie is a Master at creating community and relationships in order to make promoting yourself and your business fun and exciting.

Thank you Chellie for sharing and spending your time and brilliance with me and my listeners. – JW


Chellie Campbell

Creator of the popular Financial Stress Reduction® Workshops which now has licensed Coaches throughout the country, Chellie Campbell’s first book was The Wealthy Spirit: Daily Affirmations for Financial Stress Reduction (Sourcebooks, 2002) which was chosen as a Book-of-the-Week on the Dr. Laura Schlessinger radio show and a GlobalNet Book-of-the-Month selection. Her publisher asked her to write her second book, Zero to Zillionaire: 8 Foolproof Steps to Financial Peace of Mind, which was released by Sourcebooks in April, 2006.

Chellie’s work is highlighted in the books of many of the teachers from The Secret: she is one of Marci Shimoff’s “Happy 100” in her current NYT bestseller Happy for No Reason and as a “Financial Guru” in James Arthur Ray’s NYT bestseller Harmonic Wealth and has also contributed stories to Jack Canfield’s recent books You’ve Got to Read This Book! and Life Lessons from Chicken Soup for the Soul. In How to Run Your Business Like a Girl (Adams Media, 2005) by Elizabeth Cogswell Baskin, Chellie is one of three entrepreneurs featured in every chapter and is also prominently quoted as a financial expert in Money, A Memoir: Women, Emotions, and Cash by Liz Perle (Henry Holt, 2006). Chellie has been featured on numerous television shows, more than 100 radio shows, quoted in Good Housekeeping, Pink, Lifetime, The Los Angeles Times, Entrepreneur, Essence, Woman’s World, and more than 35 popular books.

Chellie earned her B.A. degree at the University of California at Santa Barbara with a major in dramatic art. After an eight-year professional acting career, she entered the world of business and in 1984 was hired to manage a small bookkeeping service company in Pacific Palisades. Ms. Campbell tripled the business, bought out her partners in 1988 and sold the company in 1995 in order to devote full time to her workshops and busy public speaking schedule.

Groups Chellie has addressed include the Postal Customer Council, National Association of Women Business Owners, the U.S. Small Business Administration, the Fuji Film Summit, Women in Design, National Association of Professional Organizers, the City of West Hollywood Small Business Conference and the Daily News Women’s Career Conference. In 1994, she helped create the first annual Entrepreneurial Institute for the University of Alaska at Sitka.

Chellie was awarded “Rotarian of the Year” by the Pacific Palisades Rotary Club, “Member of the Year” by Women’s Referral Service, “Most Inspirational Speaker” by Women in Management, “Speaker of the Year” by Association of Women Entrepreneurs, and is past President of the L.A. Chapter of the National Association of Women Business Owners. She was awarded the Los Angeles District SBA Women in Business Advocate Award in 1994. Her hobby is playing No-Limit Texas Hold’em tournament poker, and she finished third in the 2007 Los Angeles Poker Classic Ladies event and 5th in the 2007 California Ladies State Poker Championship.

book zero to zillionaire chellie campbellZero To Zillionaire

Zero to Zillionaire is a scale. We are all on that scale somewhere-some of us are drowning near Zero and some of us are riding the crest of the Zillionaire wave. Why is that?

Why do some people sink to the bottom of the ocean, some people float to the peak at the top, and the majority tread water in the middle? After accident of birth places a person somewhere on the scale, what is it that makes some stay where they were born, and others rise on the scale? Or fall off the scale? Why do a lot of wealthy people have no spirit and why are a lot of spiritual people are broke?

This book will help you understand your place on the scale and how to move up the food chain. You will learn how to implement the 8 successful steps:

  • Daily routines change your mindset and your future
  • Figure out what you really want
  • Take action-how to bring home the zillions
  • Surround yourself with people who make you rich and happy
  • Keep score in the money game
  • Your zillionaire time frame starts now
  • Make success out of failure
  • Lighten up-the whole idea is to have a great life!

You can qualify for Zillionaire status, with wealth in your work, happiness in your home, and a balance between the two. Follow these principles and you will have a balanced checkbook, a balanced schedule, a balanced spirit, and a balanced life.

You can be a Zillionaire: someone who has a zillion dreams, is taking a zillion actions to make them come true, makes as many zillions of dollars as possible, has a zillion friends, is doing a zillion good deeds, taking a zillion naps and a zillion vacations, and having a zillion adventures in a long, fun-filled life!

book the wealthy spirit chellie campbellThe Wealthy Spirit: Daily Affirmations for Financial Stress Reduction

Many people spend their lives searching for the means to acquire tremendous financial wealth. They look to external resources to give them what they want, and are ultimately disappointed when their dreams don’t turn out the way they had planned. They either become incredibly wealthy at the expense of their spiritual well being, family, and friends, or they never acquire the riches they’ve aspired to, and in their disappointment, they discover they’ve lost all sense of self-worth.

The Wealthy Spirit is the only book that offers an approach to achieving both spiritual and financial wealth. Through a series of daily affirmations that focus on the reader’s internal strength and capacity for change, this book will set them on a path toward personal enlightenment and wealth in body, mind, and spirit.

Using a day-to-day approach, readers will learn six keys:

  1. Think positive. Like mind over matter, mind over money begins with believing you deserve it and can get it.
  2. Send out ships. You can wait for your ship to come in, but if you don’t send any out, it’s going to be a long wait.
  3. Count your money. Money is a game and you have to know the score. The money score will tell you how well you’re doing at steps one and two.
  4. Swim with dolphins. Being “in the swim” will depend largely on who you’re swimming with. Find “your people” and avoid sharks.
  5. Survive the storms. You must weather interior storms as well as exterior ones. Persistence is key.
  6. Seek balance and enlightenment. Only from their perspective will you know when you have “enough.”

The Wealthy Spirit offers readers peace of mind to help them build financial muscle and a successful, stress-free life.

Contact Chellie Campbell:

Campbell Consulting Company
Phone: (310) 476-1622
FAX: (310) 476-1637

Chellie’s Website: www.Chellie.com

Chellie on Facebook
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FaceBook Fanpage